Saturday, September 16, 2006

There was a taxi cab driver the other day that was asking where I got my lawn mowed. I just didn't get it nor did I understand what he was talking about while I was drinking my bottle of pepsi and praying to my statue

of Alf. The more I think about it I've decided he sure was a strange fat fuck.

Did you know ALF could stand for American Legion of Foreigners? - Gordon Moss, The World's Greatest Network Marketer

Did you know that if you eat an apple a day the chances of you pissing apple juice will increase? - Gordon Moss, The World's Greatest Network Marketer

If you're a real bitch, and you have an itch, do you have a bitch itch? - Gordon Moss, The World's Greatest Network Marketer

Did you know racecar spelled backwards is racecar? That's some deep shit, isn't it? Gordon Moss, The World's Greatest Network Marketer


Blogger Gordon Moss said...

That's one great blog. You know the more I think about this the more I like Gordon Moss, because he's a real bastard. Do you realise that?

Wow, I love Gordon Moss.

Gordon Moss
The World's Greatest Networker

9:53 PM  

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